Monday, July 13, 2009

Something I have been building the last weeks

Glad that it is done now and am also quite proud of the result.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Flash Mobile

This is a flash mobile I am currently working on getting done for a project. What can it do so far? Both the items and the nodes will rotate to the front once you have clicked on them. Obviously, it is still pretty basic and there is still some stuff to do. However, the 3D stuff and the motion tweening work already.

Friday, June 01, 2007

The beauty of infographics

I'd like to start this blog with referencing a very well-known and often quoted infographic. The map of the london underground, also known as tube map.

The original map was designed by Harry Beck in 1931. As you can see in the picture above, which shows the current state of the system, it is very structured and schematic. Displaying only round circles representing stations and straight lines connecting them (which only run horizontally, vertically and at 45 degrees) the map is an abstraction of the actual underground course which is displayed here:

Aside from its instant recognisability due to the unique yet simple design, what makes this concept so great was Beck's realisation that only the topology of the railway mattered, since the physical locations of the stations were largely irrelevant because it was underground and the traveller was only interested in how to get from one station to the other.